The Metropolitan Museum of Art

obec: New York City (New York)
adresa: 1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street
PSČ: New York 10028-0198
stát: Spojené státy (United States)

rok vzniku: 1870

The Metropolitan Museum of Art


The Metropolitan Museum of Art

termín   název výstavy, místo konání
1959   Glass '59, The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning
1968   James Rosenquist: F.111, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
1971/04/07 - 1971/06/07   The Cubist Epoch, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
1991/04/09 - 1991/08/12   Seurat, Grand Palais - Galeries nationales, Paříž (Paris)
2002/09/16 - 2003/01/12   Manet / Velázquez: The French Taste for Spanish Painting, Musée d'Orsay, Paříž (Paris)
2003/03/04 - 2003/06/08   Manet / Velázquez: The French Taste for Spanish Painting, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2003/10/07 - 2004/01/11   El Greco, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2003/10/28 - 2004/01/04   Philip Guston, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2003/12/12 - 2004/03/14   Klee Creatures, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2004/11/12 - 2005/04/10   William Kentridge: Selections on Paper, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2004/11/19 - 2005/04/03   Klee: His Years at the Bauhaus (1921–1931), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/01/15 - 2005/04/03   Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640): The Drawings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/04/07 - 2005/07/10   Max Ernst: A Retrospective, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/04/26 - 2005/10/30   Sol LeWitt on the Roof: Splotches, Whirls and Twirls, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/06/23 - 2005/09/25   Matisse: The Fabric of Dreams His Art and His Textiles, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/09/20 - 2006/01/03   Prague, the Crown of Bohemia. 1347–1373, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/09/22 - 2006/01/02   Girodet 1767–1824, Museé du Louvre, Paříž (Paris)
2005/10/18 - 2005/12/31   Vincent van Gogh: The Drawings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/10/18 - 2006/03/05   Santiago Calatrava: Sculpture into Architecture, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/11/08 - 2006/01/29   Clouet to Seurat: French Drawings from The British Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2005/11/08 - 2006/01/29   David Milne Watercolors: "Painting Toward the Light", The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2006/02/11 - 2006/04/30   Girodet: Romantic Rebel, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago (Illinois)
2006/02/16 - 2006/05/21   Karel IV. - císař z Boží milosti, Obrazárna Pražského hradu, Praha
2006/03/21 - 2006/08/06   Kara Walker at the Met: Afler the Deluge, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2006/05/24 - 2006/08/27   Girodet: Romantic Rebel, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2006/09/26 - 2007/01/15   Sean Scully: Wall of Light, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2006/10/12 - 2007/01/21   Girodet: Romantic Rebel, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal / The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal (Québec)
2007/10/01 - 2008/01/06   J. M. W. Turner, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
2007/10/08 - 2008/01/13   Poussin y la Naturaleza / Poussin and Nature, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao (Bilbao Fine Arts Museum), Bilbao
2007/10/13 - 2008/01/28   Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), Grand Palais - Galeries nationales, Paříž (Paris)
2007/11/03 - 2008/01/06   Jasper Johns: Gray, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago (Illinois)
2008/02/05 - 2008/05/04   Jasper Johns: Gray, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2008/02/10 - 2008/05/18   J. M. W. Turner, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
2008/02/12 - 2008/05/11   Poussin and Nature: Arcadian Visions, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2008/02/27 - 2008/05/18   Gustave Courbet, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2008/06/14 - 2008/09/28   Gustave Courbet, Musée Fabre, Montpellier
2008/07/01 - 2008/09/21   J. M. W. Turner, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2009/05/18 - 2009/08/16   Francis Bacon, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2011/04/13 - 2011/08/28   Richard Serra Drawing: A Retrospective, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2011/04/26 - 2011/10/30   Anthony Caro on the Roof, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2014/06/23 - 2015/01/05   Amie Siegel: Provenance, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2018/03/26 - 2018/07/29   Public Service Announcement: Works by Eva Koťátková and Rachel Harrison, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2018/09/22 - 2019/01/13   Armenia!, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2021/10/11 - 2022/01/30   Surrealism Beyond Borders, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City (New York)
2022/02/24 - 2022/08/29   Surrealism Beyond Borders, Tate Modern, Londýn (London)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

termín   název výstavy
1968   James Rosenquist: F.111
1971/04/07 - 1971/06/07   The Cubist Epoch
2003/03/04 - 2003/06/08   Manet / Velázquez: The French Taste for Spanish Painting
2003/10/07 - 2004/01/11   El Greco
2003/10/28 - 2004/01/04   Philip Guston
2003/12/12 - 2004/03/14   Klee Creatures
2004/11/12 - 2005/04/10   William Kentridge: Selections on Paper
2004/11/19 - 2005/04/03   Klee: His Years at the Bauhaus (1921–1931)
2005/01/15 - 2005/04/03   Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640): The Drawings
2005/04/07 - 2005/07/10   Max Ernst: A Retrospective
2005/04/26 - 2005/10/30   Sol LeWitt on the Roof: Splotches, Whirls and Twirls
2005/06/23 - 2005/09/25   Matisse: The Fabric of Dreams His Art and His Textiles
2005/09/20 - 2006/01/03   Prague, the Crown of Bohemia. 1347–1373
2005/10/18 - 2005/12/31   Vincent van Gogh: The Drawings
2005/10/18 - 2006/03/05   Santiago Calatrava: Sculpture into Architecture
2005/10/26 - 2006/01/29   Fra Angelico
2005/11/08 - 2006/01/29   Clouet to Seurat: French Drawings from The British Museum
2005/11/08 - 2006/01/29   David Milne Watercolors: "Painting Toward the Light"
2005/12/20 - 2006/04/02   Robert Rauschenberg: Combines
2006/03/21 - 2006/08/06   Kara Walker at the Met: Afler the Deluge
2006/05/24 - 2006/08/27   Girodet: Romantic Rebel
2006/06/06 - 2006/10/01   The Art of Betty Woodman
2006/06/20 - 2006/09/03   Raphael at the Metropolitan: The Colonna Altarpiece
2006/09/26 - 2007/01/15   Sean Scully: Wall of Light
2008/02/05 - 2008/05/04   Jasper Johns: Gray
2008/02/12 - 2008/05/11   Poussin and Nature: Arcadian Visions
2008/02/27 - 2008/05/18   Gustave Courbet
2008/07/01 - 2008/09/21   J. M. W. Turner
2009/05/18 - 2009/08/16   Francis Bacon
2010/10/20 - 2011/0109   John Baldessari: Pure Beauty
2011/04/13 - 2011/08/28   Richard Serra Drawing: A Retrospective
2011/04/26 - 2011/10/30   Anthony Caro on the Roof
2014/06/23 - 2015/01/05   Amie Siegel: Provenance
2018/03/26 - 2018/07/29   Public Service Announcement: Works by Eva Koťátková and Rachel Harrison
2018/09/22 - 2019/01/13   Armenia!
2021/10/11 - 2022/01/30   Surrealism Beyond Borders

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

katalog kolektivní
  rok vydání   název (podnázev)
  1970   The Cubist Epoch
  2002   Manet / Velázquez (The French Taste for Spanish Painting)
  2021   Surrealism Beyond Borders

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

  rok vydání   název (podnázev)
  2010   New York (Art Museums)
  rok vydání   název (podnázev)
  1988   Encyklopedie světového malířství
podřazený dokument
  rok vydání   název (podnázev)
  1965   Současné sklo v USA
  1970   Stoleté výročí Muzea Metropolitan v New Yorku
  1971   Historická architektura v Met

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

termín   název výstavy, místo konání
1970   19th - Century America, New York City (New York), New York City (New York)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

osoba narození poznámka
Alteveer Ian   ???? - ????, Associate Curator, Department of Modern and Contemporary Art
Bincsik Monika   ???? - ????
Boehm Barbara   ???? - ????
Candela Iria   2014 - ????, Estrellita B. Brodsky Curator of Latin American Art
Montebello Philippe de 16. 5. 1936 1977 - 2008
Münzerová Roubíčková Zdeňka 9. 9. 1902 ???? - ????
Rousseau Théodore 1912 ???? - ????
Strauss Anne   ???? - ????, Associate Curator of the Department of Nineteenth-Century, Modern, and Contemporary Art
Tinterow Gary   ???? - ????
Vilcek Marica 13. 10. 1936 1965 - ????
Wagstaff Sheena   2012 - ????

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

podřazený dokument
  rok vydání   název (podnázev)
  1962   Největší aukce obrazů od roku 1945
  1963   Nejdražší Rembrandt
  1971   Český kubismus v USA

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

osoba narození
Anderle Jiří 14. 9. 1936
Beneš Vincenc 22. 1. 1883
Brueghel st. Jan 1568
Caravaggio Michelangelo 28. 9. 1573
Cézanne Paul 19. 1. 1839
Gauguin Paul 7. 6. 1848
Gogh Vincent van 30. 3. 1853
Johns Jasper 15. 5. 1930
Kolíbal Stanislav 11. 12. 1925
Lachaise Gaston 19. 3. 1882
Manet Édouard 23. 1. 1832
Mistr z Flémalle 1380
Monet Claude 14. 11. 1840
Polášek Albín 14. 2. 1879
Poussin Nicolas 15. 6. 1594
Renoir Auguste 25. 2. 1841
Rijn Rembrandt van 15. 7. 1606
Rubens Petrus 28. 6. 1577
Seurat Georges 2. 12. 1859
Schabel John 1957
Siegel Amie 1974
Tizian 1488
Vermeer van Delft Jan 31. 10. 1632
Watteau Jean-Antoine 10. 10. 1684

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

rok vydání   autor, název (podnázev)
nedatováno    , M. Vipsanius Agrippa