Polansky Gallery

druh: galerie
obec: Praha 7
adresa: Veletržní 45 (ve dvoře)
PSČ: 17000
stát: Česká republika (Czech Republic)

e-mail: filip@polanskygallery.com
web: www.polanskygallery.com
rok vzniku: 2014

Polansky Gallery

instituce, obec, adresa
Polansky Gallery, Praha 5, Štefánikova 43a (1. patro), Praha 5-Smíchov

Polansky Gallery

termín   název výstavy, místo konání
2014/04/24 - 2014/05/31   Václav Stratil: Vývar z pláče / Broth of Crying, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2014/06/12 - 2014/07/26   Svätopluk Mikyta: Pomoderna a sedm monochromů / Pomoderna and Seven Monochroms, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2014/09/11 - 2014/10/18   Milena Dopitová: Na mou duši... / Cross my heart..., Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2014/09/27 - 2014/09/28   Magnus Art, Živnostenská banka, Praha
2014/10/25 - 2014/12/06   Usínám hluboko v noci / Late at Night I Fall Asleep, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2014/12/12 - 2015/01/31   Lukáš Karbus: 9, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2015/02/07 - 2015/03/21   Vladimír Houdek: Future Polis, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2015/04/11 - 2015/05/23   Quirin Bäumler: Rhymes and Couplets, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2015/06/13 - 2015/08/08   Roman Štětina: Souvenir, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2015/09/09 - 2015/10/17   Adam Holý: Your God Is Fear, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2015/11/13 - 2016/01/09   Martin Kohout: Vtipy, které si stroje vypráví o lidech: 1. nálev / Jokes Machines Make About Humans: 1st infusion, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2016/01/29 - 2016/03/12   Suse Weber: Template//Activation: dynamische Schablone Prag, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2016/03/23 - 2016/05/14   Thomas Helbig: The Presentation, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2016/05/27 - 2016/07/16   Luisa Kasalicky: Synonym for Group 5, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2016/09/27 - 2016/10/29   Ludmila Smejkalová: Vision Board, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2016/11/11 - 2016/12/23   Barbora Fastrová: In Happy Towns in the Hinterland, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2016/11/11 - 2016/12/23   KERNEL: Water Sleeps, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/01/14 - 2017/03/04   Helena Hladilová: Já tam nejdu / I'm Not Going, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/01/14 - 2017/03/04   Vladimír Houdek: Interakce / Interaction, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/03/01 - 2017/05/20   Teorie duchů, Galerie TIC, Brno (Brno-město)
2017/03/16 - 2017/05/06   Lukáš Karbus: Zlomená strana / Fractured Side, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/03/16 - 2017/05/06   Tereza Příhodová: Murure, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/05/24 - 2017/07/15   Nik Timková: Knife as Outfit, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/05/24 - 2017/07/15   The Stillness of a Departure, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/09/06 - 2017/10/14   Jakub Choma: Life for Dummies, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/09/06 - 2017/10/14   Tillman Kaiser: The Future of the Future is the Present, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2017/10/26 - 2017/12/16   Milena Dopitová: Měkké dovednosti / Soft Skills, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/01/18 - 2018/03/03   Lucia Leuci: Prendersi cura, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/01/18 - 2018/03/03   Quirin Bäumler: Monk, Mother and Wound, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/03/17 - 2018/05/05   Dead End Galaxies, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/03/17 - 2018/05/05   Klára Hosnedlová, Nona Inescu: The Inhabitant, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/05/24 - 2018/06/28   Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw: F-150, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/05/24 - 2018/07/28   Martin Kohout: Shade at the Shapes without Names headquarters, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/09/13 - 2018/10/27   Adam Holý: Post Post Mantra, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/09/13 - 2018/10/27   Emmy Skensved: Room & Bored, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/11/08 - 2018/12/22   Jakub Choma: Stepping on a Lego, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2018/11/08 - 2018/12/22   Motoko Ishibashi & Nils Alix-Tabeling: Séraphîta, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2020/12/03 - 2021/15/05   Julie Béna: The wolf, the princess and the little soldier, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2021/09/03 - 2021/10/16   Mary-Audrey Ramirez: They Miss Being Aware of Time, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2022/06/02 - 2022/07/16   Neo-rising: Stef Van Looveren, Mel Odom, Floryan Varennes, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2024/03/12 - 2024/04/20   Vladimír Houdek: The Roots, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7
2024/05/28 - 2024/07/13   S L U G G I S H N E S S, Polansky Gallery, Praha 7

Polansky Gallery

termín   název výstavy
2014/04/24 - 2014/05/31   Václav Stratil: Vývar z pláče / Broth of Crying
2014/06/12 - 2014/07/26   Svätopluk Mikyta: Pomoderna a sedm monochromů / Pomoderna and Seven Monochroms
2014/09/11 - 2014/10/18   Milena Dopitová: Na mou duši... / Cross my heart...
2014/10/25 - 2014/12/06   Usínám hluboko v noci / Late at Night I Fall Asleep
2014/12/12 - 2015/01/31   Lukáš Karbus: 9
2015/02/07 - 2015/03/21   Vladimír Houdek: Future Polis
2015/04/11 - 2015/05/23   Quirin Bäumler: Rhymes and Couplets
2015/06/13 - 2015/08/08   Roman Štětina: Souvenir
2015/09/09 - 2015/10/17   Adam Holý: Your God Is Fear
2015/11/13 - 2016/01/09   Martin Kohout: Vtipy, které si stroje vypráví o lidech: 1. nálev / Jokes Machines Make About Humans: 1st infusion
2016/01/29 - 2016/03/12   Suse Weber: Template//Activation: dynamische Schablone Prag
2016/03/23 - 2016/05/14   Thomas Helbig: The Presentation
2016/05/27 - 2016/07/16   Luisa Kasalicky: Synonym for Group 5
2016/09/27 - 2016/10/29   Ludmila Smejkalová: Vision Board
2016/11/11 - 2016/12/23   Barbora Fastrová: In Happy Towns in the Hinterland
2016/11/11 - 2016/12/23   KERNEL: Water Sleeps
2017/01/14 - 2017/03/04   Helena Hladilová: Já tam nejdu / I'm Not Going
2017/01/14 - 2017/03/04   Vladimír Houdek: Interakce / Interaction
2017/03/16 - 2017/05/06   Lukáš Karbus: Zlomená strana / Fractured Side
2017/03/16 - 2017/05/06   Tereza Příhodová: Murure
2017/05/24 - 2017/07/15   Nik Timková: Knife as Outfit
2017/05/24 - 2017/07/15   The Stillness of a Departure
2017/09/06 - 2017/10/14   Jakub Choma: Life for Dummies
2017/09/06 - 2017/10/14   Tillman Kaiser: The Future of the Future is the Present
2017/10/26 - 2017/12/16   Milena Dopitová: Měkké dovednosti / Soft Skills
2018/01/18 - 2018/03/03   Lucia Leuci: Prendersi cura
2018/01/18 - 2018/03/03   Quirin Bäumler: Monk, Mother and Wound
2018/03/17 - 2018/05/05   Dead End Galaxies
2018/03/17 - 2018/05/05   Klára Hosnedlová, Nona Inescu: The Inhabitant
2018/05/24 - 2018/06/28   Adam Shiu-Yang Shaw: F-150
2018/05/24 - 2018/07/28   Martin Kohout: Shade at the Shapes without Names headquarters
2018/09/13 - 2018/10/27   Adam Holý: Post Post Mantra
2018/09/13 - 2018/10/27   Emmy Skensved: Room & Bored
2018/11/08 - 2018/12/22   Jakub Choma: Stepping on a Lego
2018/11/08 - 2018/12/22   Motoko Ishibashi & Nils Alix-Tabeling: Séraphîta
2020/12/03 - 2021/15/05   Julie Béna: The wolf, the princess and the little soldier
2021/09/03 - 2021/10/16   Mary-Audrey Ramirez: They Miss Being Aware of Time
2022/06/02 - 2022/07/16   Neo-rising: Stef Van Looveren, Mel Odom, Floryan Varennes
2024/03/12 - 2024/04/20   Vladimír Houdek: The Roots
2024/05/28 - 2024/07/13   S L U G G I S H N E S S

Polansky Gallery

katalog autorský
  rok vydání   název (podnázev)
  2015   Lukáš Karbus: Untitled