Marc Chagall: An Exhibition of Paintings, Prints, Book Illustrations and Theatre Designs 1908 - 1947

typ výstavy: autorská
místo konání: Tate Gallery
termín: 1948/02/04 - 1948/02/29

Marc Chagall: An Exhibition of Paintings, Prints, Book Illustrations and Theatre Designs 1908 - 1947

osoba narození
Chagall Marc 7. 7. 1887

Marc Chagall: An Exhibition of Paintings, Prints, Book Illustrations and Theatre Designs 1908 - 1947

instituce, obec, adresa
The Arts Council of Great Britain, Londýn (London), _

Marc Chagall: An Exhibition of Paintings, Prints, Book Illustrations and Theatre Designs 1908 - 1947

katalog autorský
  rok vydání   název (podnázev)
  1948   Marc Chagall: An Exhibition of Paintings, Prints, Book Illustrations and Theatre Designs 1908 - 1947