Jiří Thýn: LESS
typ výstavy: autorská
místo konání: hunt kastner artworks
termín: 2009/04/08 - 2009/06/06
Jiří Thýn: LESS
untitled object (Fall of the West, Lost Contact with the East), iron, cement and mirror letter billboard, 2009\r\nphoto: Ondrej Polak
exhibition view\r\nphoto: Ondrej Polak
untitled, from the series So Sad in these Luxurious Times, 2009, hand-printed black and white photograph and acyrlic paint\r\nphoto: Ondrej Polak
untitled object, neon handwriting of the word neni (not), 2009, and This is Tomorrow, Lambda print, 2008-9\r\nphoto: Ondrej Polak
untitled, from the series So Sad in these Luxurious Times, 2008-9, Lamda prints\r\nphoto: Ondrej Polak