Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986

typ výstavy: kolektivní
místo konání: Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp – M HKA)
termín: 2012/01/20 - 2012/04/29

Další vystavující: Jef Cornelis, René Heyvaert, Guy Mees

Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986

osoba narození
Andre Carl 16. 9. 1935
Baldessari John 7. 6. 1931
Boetti Alighiero 16. 12. 1940
Boezem Marinus 28. 1. 1934
Broodthaers Marcel 28. 1. 1924
Brouwn Stanley 25. 6. 1935
Burgin Victor 24. 7. 1941
Byars James 10. 4. 1932
Cadere André 20. 5. 1934
Fabro Luciano 10. 11. 1936
Flavin Dan 1. 4. 1933
Fontana Lucio 19. 2. 1899
Gego 1. 8. 1912
Haacke Hans 12. 8. 1936
Holzer Jenny 29. 7. 1950
Immendorff Jörg 14. 6. 1945
Indiana Robert 13. 8. 1928
Judd Donald 3. 6. 1928
Kawara On 24. 12. 1932
Kiefer Anselm 8. 3. 1945
Klein Yves 28. 4. 1928
Manzoni Piero 13. 7. 1933
Meireles Cildo 1948
Merz Mario 1. 1. 1925
Merz Marisa 23. 5. 1926
Nauman Bruce 6. 12. 1941
Pistoletto Michalengelo 23. 6. 1933
Polke Sigmar 13. 2. 1941
Richter Gerhard 19. 2. 1932
Rosler Martha 29. 7. 1943
Ruscha Edward 16. 12. 1937
Schoonhoven Jan 26. 6. 1914
Spero Nancy 24. 8. 1926
Stella Frank 12. 5. 1936
Van Hoeydonck Paul 8. 10. 1925
Vasarely Victor 9. 4. 1908
Vries Herman de 11. 7. 1931
Warhol Andy 6. 8. 1928
Weiner Lawrence 10. 2. 1942

Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986

instituce, obec, adresa
Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp – M HKA), Antverpy (Antwerpen), Leuvenstraat 32
Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Bilderdijklaan 10

Collectiepresentatie XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986 / The collection XXIX – Spirits of Internationalism: 6 European Collections 1956–1986

osoba narození
De Baere Bart  
Esche Charles 1962
Kreuger Anders  
Thije Steven ten 1980
Vree Jan de