Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017

typ dokumentu: kniha
rok vydání: 2017
počet stran: 391, (1), brožovaná vazba, obálka
počet reprodukcí: 84 b, 85 čb
výška x šířka [mm]: 275 x 205
díl/svazek: 3
jazyk: anglický
ISBN: 978-8-090671-42-3

vytištěno v Litvě
editoři: Viktor Misiano, Ruth Addison
Kniha je na bázi katalogu Recontruction publikovaném k výstavám konaným v roce 2013 a 2014

studovna objednat do studovny

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Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017


Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017

osoba narození poznámka
Anufriev Sergey 8. 9. 1964  
Aronson Oleg 1964  
Bayadyan Hrach 1957  
Belov Anton 1983  
Bredikhina Ludmila 1953  
Brener Alexander 1957  
Budraitskis Ilya 1981  
Degot Ekaterina 2. 12. 1958  
Fiks Yevgeniy 1972  
Fowle Kate 26. 6. 1971  
Chehonadskih Maria 1985  
Chubarov Igor 13. 12. 1965  
Chukhovich Boris 1962  
Chukhrov Keti 1970  
Kadan Nikita (Mykyta) 1982  
Karakulov Maxim 1977  
Kulik Oleg 15. 4. 1961  
Mamyshev-Monroe Vladislav 12. 10. 1969  
Miziano (Misiano) Viktor 31. 12. 1957  
Oleynikov Nikolay 1976  
Osmolovskij Anatolij 1969  
Parshikov Andrey 1985  
Penzin Alexei 1974  
Pepperstein Pavel 29. 5. 1966  
Petrovsky Helen 1962  
Prigov Dmitrij 5. 11. 1940  
Riff David 2. 6. 1975  
Savchuk Valery 1954  
Shuripa Stanislav 1972  
Sofronov-Antomoni Vladislav 1967  
Sokol Haim (Khaim) 1973  
Timofeeva Oxana 13. 2. 1978  
Vilensky Dmitry 1964  
Voropai Lioudmila 1975  
Zhilyaev Arsenij (Arseniy) 1984  

Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017

osoba narození poznámka
Anufriev Sergey 8. 9. 1964  
Aronson Oleg 1964  
Bayadyan Hrach 1957  
Bredikhina Ludmila 1953  
Brener Alexander 1957  
Budraitskis Ilya 1981  
Degot Ekaterina 2. 12. 1958  
Fiks Yevgeniy 1972  
Fowle Kate 26. 6. 1971  
Chehonadskih Maria 1985  
Chubarov Igor 13. 12. 1965  
Chukhovich Boris 1962  
Chukhrov Keti 1970  
Kadan Nikita (Mykyta) 1982  
Karakulov Maxim 1977  
Kulik Oleg 15. 4. 1961  
Lazareva Ekaterina 1978  
Litichevsky Georgy 1956  
Mamyshev-Monroe Vladislav 12. 10. 1969  
Miziano (Misiano) Viktor 31. 12. 1957  
Oleynikov Nikolay 1976  
Osmolovskij Anatolij 1969  
Parshikov Andrey 1985  
Penzin Alexei 1974  
Pepperstein Pavel 29. 5. 1966  
Petrovsky Helen 1962  
Prigov Dmitrij 5. 11. 1940  
Riff David 2. 6. 1975  
Savchuk Valery 1954  
Shuripa Stanislav 1972  
Sofronov-Antomoni Vladislav 1967  
Sokol Haim (Khaim) 1973  
Timofeeva Oxana 13. 2. 1978  
Vilensky Dmitry 1964  
Voropai Lioudmila 1975  
Zhilyaev Arsenij (Arseniy) 1984  

Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017

instituce, obec
ArtGuide Editions / Artguide s.r.o, Praha 4

Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017

strana od - do   autor textu   název, podnázev
3   Belov Anton   Preface
7 - 15   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   The making of Moscow Art Magazine
7 - 15   Fowle Kate   The making of Moscow Art Magazine
19   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   It is the End? It is only the Beginning: A Time for Manifestos
20 - 23   Osmolovskij Anatolij   A Generation kills a Generation
24 - 27   Brener Alexander   False Children
28 - 31   Kulik Oleg   The Political Animal adresses you
28 - 31   Bredikhina Ludmila   The Political Animal adresses you
32 - 36   Mamyshev-Monroe Vladislav   Insinuationism
38 - 47   Pepperstein Pavel   Noma-Noma
49 - 55   Degot Ekaterina   The New Adventures of the Elusive, the Inexpressible, and the Unnecessary
59   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   The Phenomenology of the Body
61 - 63   Brener Alexander   The End of Optics
64 - 71   Prigov Dmitrij   We are so close, no words are needed
73 - 81   Pepperstein Pavel   Samodelkin´s Way
73 - 81   Anufriev Sergey   Samodelkin´s Way
82 - 85   Degot Ekaterina   The mysterious Russian body
87 - 89   Savchuk Valery   The ideology of Post-Information sincerity
93 - 95   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   The new system of art and the new autonomy
96 - 101   Riff David   Face control, or losing face at the Moscow Biennale
103 - 109   Chubarov Igor   Politically strategic forms, or the mimesis of the political. On the rebirth of Moscow Actionism of the 1990s
110 - 115   Parshikov Andrey   Fascistoid optics
117 - 119   Osmolovskij Anatolij   A number of theses on Non-Spectacular art
120 - 123   Shuripa Stanislav   Elusion
124 - 129   Voropai Lioudmila   Notes on the social history of russian contemporary art on the first decade of the twenty-first century
133 - 135   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   The new system of art and new autonomy
136 - 139   Prigov Dmitrij   Spaces (of statement and survival)
140 - 145   Aronson Oleg   Participation in the community - Non-Participation in the artwork
146 - 151   Petrovsky Helen   The ethics of anonymity
153 - 155   Karakulov Maxim   The Scholl of Contemporary Art against all. An attempt at representation
156 - 161   Kadan Nikita (Mykyta)   Thinking with another person´s head. On communal art production
162 - 167   Oleynikov Nikolay   A principally new type of art residence
168 - 173   Timofeeva Oxana   From the inoperative community to working groups
177   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   Progressive nostalgia
178 - 181   Fiks Yevgeniy   The Post-Soviet artist´s responsibility
183 - 195   Bayadyan Hrach   Imaginning the past
196 - 203   Chukhrov Keti   The de-ideologization of the "Soviet"
204 - 207   Vilensky Dmitry   Theses on the soviet
209 - 215   Kadan Nikita (Mykyta)   Stand firm
216 - 221   Chukhovich Boris   The disintegration of the Post-Soviet and the turkmenification of the whole country
223 - 231   Budraitskis Ilya   The intelligentsia as a style
235 - 237   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   The invention of politics
238 - 243   Vilensky Dmitry   On the composition of contemporary political art
244 - 247   Sofronov-Antomoni Vladislav   Afterword: The critical disposition
249 - 253   Penzin Alexei   In defense of crude thinking
254 - 259   Zhilyaev Arsenij (Arseniy)   The ethics of the future. Art in the emergency situation of the appearance of hope
260 - 269   Sokol Haim (Khaim)   A dictionary of opposition for beginners
270 - 276   Chukhrov Keti   Theses on the false democracy of contemporary art
278 - 282   Chehonadskih Maria   The mythology of the face: The public sphere, dissident society, and political art
287 - 288   Miziano (Misiano) Viktor   New dark times
294 - 299   Kadan Nikita (Mykyta)   Into the darkness. Three breaks
300 - 307   Savchuk Valery   The return of certainty
308 - 315   Fiks Yevgeniy   Landscapes of the Jewish Autonomous Region
316 - 321   Chubarov Igor   Letters on Anti-Aestetic upbringing. Fifth letter: Art after everything. Beauty and Violence
322 - 323   Vilensky Dmitry   On the possibility of light

Critical Mass: Moscow Art Magazine 1993-2017

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