Jackson Pollock

podnázev: Interviews, Articles, and Reviews

typ dokumentu: antologie/sborník
rok vydání: 1999
počet stran: 284, obálka
počet reprodukcí: 1 b
výška x šířka [mm]: 248 x 162
jazyk: anglický
ISBN: 0-87070-037-5

Přiřazena jen část autorů textů


Artist's Statements and Interviews
Jackson Pollock: A Questionnaire
Jackson Pollock:Application for Guggenheim Fellowship, 1947
Jackson Pollock: My Painting
Unframed Space /​ Berton Roueche
Interview with William Wright, The Springs, Long Island, New York, late 1950, broadcast on radio station WERI, Westerly, Rhode Island, 1951
Handwritten statements, undated

Interviews with Lee Krasner
Jackson Pollock: An Interview with Lee Krasner /​ Bruce Glaser
Who Was Jackson Pollock? /​ Francine du Plessix and Cleve Gray
An Interview with Lee Krasner Pollock /​ B. H. Friedman
Jackson Pollock at Work: An Interview with Lee Krasner /​ Barbara Rose

Articles and Reviews
Art: Briefer Mention /​ Edward Alden Jewell
Fifty-Seventh Street in Review /​ Maude Riley
The Passing Shows: Jackson Pollock
The Art Galleries: Situation Well in Hand /​ Robert M. Coates
Art /​ Clement Greenberg
Among the New Exhibitions /​ Howard Devree
The Passing Shows: Jackson Pollock
Art /​ Clement Greenberg
Jackson Pollock /​ Manny Farber
By the Shores of Virtuosity /​ Ben Wolf
Reviews &​ Previews: Jackson Pollock
Reviews &​ Previews: Jackson Pollock
Art /​ Clement Greenberg
Automatic Pollock /​ Alonzo Lansford
The Art Galleries: Edward Hopper and Jackson Pollock /​ Robert M. Coates
Art /​ Clement Greenberg
Reviews &​ Previews: Jackson Pollock
Among the New Shows: Jackson Pollock / Sam Hunter
Pollock Hieroglyphics /​ Margaret Lowengrund
This Week in Art /​ Emily Genauer
Art /​ Clement Greenberg
Jackson Pollock: Is He the Greatest Living Painter in the United States? /​ Dorothy Seiberling
Jackson Pollock /​ Amy Robinson
Jackson Pollock: The Infinite Labyrinth /​ Parker Tyler
A Short Statement on the Painting of Jackson Pollock /​ Bruno Alfieri
Chaos, Damn It! Letter to the Editor /​ Jackson Pollock
The Art Galleries: Extremists /​ Robert M. Coates
Reviews &​ Previews: Jackson Pollock /​ Robert Goodnough
Pollock Paints a Picture /​ Robert Goodnough
Jackson Pollock /​ James Fitzsimmons
Jackson Pollock's New Style /​ Clement Greenberg
Month in Review: Fifteen Years of Jackson Pollock /​ Leo Steinberg
The Legacy of Jackson Pollock /​ Allan Kaprow
The Search for Jackson Pollock /​ Harold Rosenberg
Jackson Pollock /​ Michael Fried
Jackson Pollock: The Hollow and the Bump /​ Axel Horn
Jackson Pollock: 'Inspiration, Vision, Intuitive Decision,' /​ Clement Greenberg
Jackson Pollock /​ Donald Judd
Jackson Pollock and the Modern Tradition /​ William Rubin
Jackson Pollock's Drawings /​ Rosalind Krauss
Another Side of Jackson Pollock /​ Charles F. Stuckey
Jackson Pollock and Thomas Hart Benton /​ Stephen Polcari
Jackson Pollock's 'The Moon Woman Cuts the Circle,' /​ Elizabeth L. Langhorne
Pollock as Jungian Illustrator: The Limits of Psychological Criticism /​ William Rubin
Pollock and Krasner: Script and Postscript /​ Anna C. Chave

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Jackson Pollock


Jackson Pollock

osoba narození poznámka
Karmel Pepe   editor

Jackson Pollock

osoba narození poznámka
Coates Robert 6. 4. 1897  
Fried Michael 12. 4. 1939  
Greenberg Clement 16. 1. 1909  
Horn Axel 11. 1. 1913  
Hunter Sam 5. 1. 1923  
Judd Donald 3. 6. 1928  
Kaprow Allan 23. 8. 1927  
Karmel Pepe    
Krasner Lee 27. 10. 1908  
Krauss Rosalind 30. 11. 1940  
Lowengrund Margaret 1902  
Pollock Jackson 28. 1. 1912  
Rose Barbara 1938  
Rosenberg Harold 2. 2. 1906  
Rubin William 11. 8. 1927  
Steinberg Leo 9. 7. 1920  
Stuckey Charles 1945  

Jackson Pollock

osoba narození poznámka
Pollock Jackson 28. 1. 1912  

Jackson Pollock

termín   název výstavy, místo konání
1998/11/01 - 1999/02/02   Jackson Pollock, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City (New York)

Jackson Pollock

osoba, rok narození
Schoenfelder Steven

Jackson Pollock

instituce, obec
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City (New York)

Jackson Pollock

instituce, obec
Poligrafiche Bolis SpA, Azzano San Paolo

Jackson Pollock

  instituce, obec, signatura, způsob nabytí, rok nabytí, poznámka
  A 138306, A138306, Dar Ireny Lehkoživové, 2015